
  • Edy Junaedi
  • M. Siarudin
  • Yongky Indrajaya
  • Ary Widiyanto


Kata Kunci:

Hidrology, watershed, land use change


Changes in land use may affect the hydrology of a watershed. This study aims to assess the hydrological conditions due to land use changes. The hydrological condition was predicted under four scenarios: (1) scenario 1, land use condition as in map 2009; (2) Scenario 2 is a change of 50% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to  clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area; (3) Scenario 3 is a change of 25% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to  clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area; (4) Scenario 4 is a change of 50% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to  clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area with a reduction of deforestation rate by 50%); and (5), Scenario 5  is a change of 25% cocoa-coffee agroforestry to  clove system in upstream area, and to monoculture rubber system in the middle and downstream area with a reduction of deforestation rate by 50%. The prediction of water balance was measuredusing GenRiver model. Result shows that land use changes under scenario 1 and  2 do not affect the hydrological conditions, but need to watch out for the occurrence of flash floods. Reduction of deforestation rate in scenarios 3 and 4 can further improve the watershed hydrological conditions and maintain peak discharge during the rainy season


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