About the Journal

Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was first published in 2010. This Journal is a continuation of the Pusair Bulletin. This journal is published twice in one year, namely in June and Desember. Scientific manuscripts come from functional officials both within the R & D Center of Water Resources or from writers from universities and related institutions throughout Indonesia who have activities in the field of water resources.

Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was accredited by LIPI - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number No. 302/AU2/P2MBI/08/2010, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results.

2nd Accreditation:

Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was Accredited as a Scientific Periodical Journal - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number 498/AU3/P2MBIā€LIPI/08/2012, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results.

3nd Accreditation:

Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was Accredited as a Scientific Periodical Journal - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number 693/AU4/P2MBI-LIPI/07/2015, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results

Accreditation of Higher Education Research and Technology, Sinta S2


ISSN (Online): 2580-8087

ISSN (Print): 2087-3611

DOI: 10.32679/jth


Call for Papers


Authors are invited to submit electronically Water Resources issues as well as community groups who care to participate in writing research articles, development or studies related to the field of Water Resources in the Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik.

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Redaksi Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik dengan hormat, mengundang Bapak/Ibu para akademisi, praktisi, pemerhati masalah Sumber Daya Air serta kelompok masyarakat yang peduli untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam penulisan artikel penelitian, pengembangan ataupun kajian terkait bidang Teknik Hidraulik pada Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik.

Naskah kami terima paling lamabat 30 Mei untuk Penerbitan Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik Edisi Juni dan Tanggal 30 November untuk penerbitan Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik edisi Desember