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Author Guidelines

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  1. The redaction accept manuscriptsl from inside and outside of Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air. The accepted manuscript will be checked by editor expert
  2. The manuscript could be the result of some research or study that has not been and will not be submitted or published on other journals
  3. The manuscript could be written in either Bahasa Indonesia or English. The manuscript must be submitted as  an electronic file as Ms Office Wordformat and two printed manuscripts. The minimum pages for the manuscript is 10, 12, 14 and 16 pages, including abstract, figures, table, and references. If there are more than 16 pages, the redaction has the authority to edit the manuscript. Further consultation with the author (s) will be conducted if needed.

The writing should contain these following:

  1. Title (should be a few sentences, consists of 9-15 words, not the method or activity name), written in Bahasa Indonesia and English

  2. Author’s name, institution, and email address. The name is written without the title. The institution’s address and city should be added.

    If there are more than one author, all names should be written in one line and the sequence number should be written above the names. 

  3. Abstract

    • The abstract should contain at least these 7 (seven) factors:
      • Short statement regarding the purpose of the research
      • Short statement regarding what has been done in the research
      • Short statement regarding the method used in the research
      • Short statement regarding the analysis that was conducted and what has been found
      • Short statement regarding the result
      • Short statement regarding the conclusion of the discussion result
      • Short statement regarding the general conclusion of the discussion result
      • Short statement regarding the benefit of the result
    • The abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English with proper grammar;
    • The abstract contains 200-250 words, written in one paragraph;
    • Avoid any use of abbreviation;
    • 3 to 5 keywords should be written below the abstract;
  4. Introduction

    The Introduction contains at least:

    • The background, should include scientific reason(s) and its importance regarding the recent phenomena;
    • Foreword regarding the research area profile with the explanation for its selection;
    • Actual problem(s) that requires solution;
    • The goal(s) and the benefit of the research;
    • Location;
    • Literature review;
  5. Methodology

    The Methodology should contain at least:

    • The general method;
    • The method used to answer the goal(s) and the objective(s):
    • Hypothesis (if present) with more popular language;
    • Primary data collection method/sampling measurement and statistical testing (if present);
    • The method encompasses hypothetical probabilistic testing (statistical testing) and/ or deterministic (mathematic) if present;
  6. Result and Discussion

    Result and discussion should contain at least:

    • The analytical result in the research area that is relevant with the research theme, goal and objective;  
    • Short discussion regarding the analytical result, verification, and/or validation;
    • Interprete the findings and correlate the findings with an already-established knowledge;
  7. Conclusions

    Kesimpulan diambil dari butir 5 yang memuat:

    • The answer to the hypothesis that is related to the title;
    • The discussion of the analytical result with accordance to the research objective;
    • General conclusion as the result of generalization or correlation with another phenomena in another location from another publication;
    • Problem-objective-result and Discussion-Conclusions should be consistent to be able to perform check and re-check;
    • Written as a narative;
  8. Acknowledgement

  9. References

    • Avoid plagiarism;
    • Only references written in text should be included in the reference;
    • References referred to are primary sources (Journals, Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation) as much as 80% of the last 10 (ten) years, except for the latest revised handbook;
    • Should not cite the author’s own publication too often (self citation);
    • Written alphabetically, without number;
    • For the result from a research at least 10 references, for the result from a study at least 25 references
    • Use APA style.
  10. Term and symbol explanation

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